In a fit of… something or other, in the past I have deleted blogs from the web. I regret it. I think maybe I thought that by casting old stuff aside it would make space for the new. Perhaps I was embarrassed about old stuff I’d written. Perhaps I felt like that history was a weight behind me. I don’t know, but I do know as I get older that I want the old photos, the history, like an old friend near me.
Fortunately the internet doesn’t forget quite so easily. Thank goodness then for the Wayback Machine that stores old web content, and my clumsily-captured backups. I’ve restored two old blogs which now live on this site, and I plan to leave them there, fixing broken links or missing images as I get time. There is the blog of my round the world trip in 2005, and the blog from six months in Ghana in 2011 where Harriet and I worked for separate NGOs in the Ashanti region.
I’ve realised as I pull all of this stuff together that it teaches me a lot about how I have developed over the last twenty years, what I’ve been thinking about, and the threads that have run through what I’ve been doing. A tag cloud is below.
africa agroecology anxiety biodiversity birds birdsong blackbird blogging BNG butterflies Career change coast communities conservation coppicing Countryside devon farming food future of work Hedgerows history ilovethenhs invasive species long reads management meadows music nature organic regenerative rubbish running sanitation social soil soil health sound stress study toilets trees Vietnam water water voles
There is another blog I wrote on international development which I have started to restore, but this site is now already an archive of almost twenty years of blogging. I’m sorry to my past self for thinking so little of what I thought.