Old blogs rescued from the recesses of the internet

A lone figure pushes something into the depths of a huge warehouse

In a fit of… something or other, in the past I have deleted blogs from the web. I regret it. I think maybe I thought that by casting old stuff aside it would make space for the new. Perhaps I was embarrassed about old stuff I’d written. Perhaps I felt like that history was a …

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Small voices

Duncan Green speculates in From Poverty To Power on why NGOs struggle with blogging. Why does anyone struggle with blogging? You feel like you’re going to be graded. You don’t necessarily want to share your thoughts with everyone. You started a draft post and deleted it a million times. Nothing much happened this week. Someone …

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Blogging development – advice from people who do it

person holding apple magic mouse

The international development community is active, passionate, switched on to new technology, and generally pretty cool with newbies. So if you’re interested in development and you have something to say, you might consider blogging. There’s a lot of advice on the internet, particularly about blogging. If you removed all of the blog entries with bulleted …

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