Old blogs rescued from the recesses of the internet

A lone figure pushes something into the depths of a huge warehouse

In a fit of… something or other, in the past I have deleted blogs from the web. I regret it. I think maybe I thought that by casting old stuff aside it would make space for the new. Perhaps I was embarrassed about old stuff I’d written. Perhaps I felt like that history was a …

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Food systems transformation and poverty – a powerful reminder

AFN+ Network talk with Dominic Watters

This AFN Network+ talk with campaigner Dominic Watters on food insecurity is an essential watch if you’re interested in food systems transformation. It is deeply moving.

Dominic speaks candidly about his own experience as a single parent living in poverty, with food and fuel insecurity. He urges us not to include the voices of those in poverty in an ad-hoc fashion, sending them back home when we feel we’ve ticked that box, but to build sustained and sustainable relationships that value voices of that living experience.

He emphasises the difference between lived and living experience; he is living it every day.

There’s also a reminder of our interconnectedness and to avoid the othering inherent in using expressions like “our world” and “your world”.

I grew up the son of a single parent who worked hard to feed me well with scant resources. I have a little insight into the experience Dominic describes – but only a little. The situation for him and others like him is very different now, and more difficult.

The food systems transformation we need doesn’t work unless it works for everyone, yet at times talk of sustainable food has made it sound a little like an aspirational lifestyle choice. The price for much of this food and the casual assertion that we all need to pay more for our food suggests as much. Dominic and many in a similar situation to him live in food ‘deserts’ where the only shop within a reasonable distance sells expensive, poor-quality, often ultra-processed food and nothing fresh. The cost of cooking food is a factor.

Food, the quality, availability and price of it, how it is prepared, is so intrinsically linked with poverty. Food poverty doesn’t exist. It’s just poverty. But food, the way we produce, buy, prepare, share and eat it is also so central to what it means to live well, healthily and happily. Yet again for me, and seen through the lens of Dominic’s experience, the way we eat is at the centre of so many of the issues we need to fix in our world and why genuine, equitable, sustainable transformation of our food system is probably the most powerful thing we can focus on.

Read the AFN+ Network briefing on this webinar (pdf)

The Good File

close up of butterfly on leaf

I started a newsletter. It’s called The Good File – occasional updates on what I’ve been up to, good things I’ve seen online and useful things for pragmatic optimists. You can sign up here, and read the latest addition to the file.

Six Inches of Soil

The new trailer for Six Inches of Soil, the film looking at the regenerative farming movement in the UK, is out. It looks great.

The Six Inches of Soil trailer

The UK premiere of Six Inches of Soil will be at the Oxford Real Farming Conference in January 2024. Further screenings throughout 2024 will take place on farms, in cinemas and many other venues – see the Six Inches of Soil website for screening dates and further info.

A good quote on just getting on with it

A handful of beans

I enjoyed this, from Dr EE Schumacher’s foreword to John Seymour’s Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency. ..nothing can stop the flowering of a society that manages to give free rein to the creativity of its people – all its people. This cannot be ordered and organized from the top. We cannot look to government, but only …

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