A catch-up with me

Being in a regular job is awesome. You get paid regularly even when you have a bad week and don’t get much done, and if you’re lucky a line manager supports you, gives you stuff to do, thanks you when you’ve done it well, and regularly sits with you to look at how you’ve been …

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I’m a runner now despite my stupid brain

I tried running cross-country in school. Hated it. Used to walk the whole way then sprint over the finish line. I’m pretty sure that hating cross-country was a requirement for doing cross-country. I think I started to hate cross-country when I was running and inhaled sharply through my nose, sucking an entire daddy long-legs up …

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Shockabuku and writing

Colourfully dressed villagers in India

In 2005, at the age of 29, I took my gap year. I had been working up until that point and had never been able to afford to travel. A disastrous attempt to start my own business in Leeds a few years earlier had left me in crippling debt, so I moved to London and …

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