I’m currently esconsed in Wanaka, a very pleasant and relaxed little town towards the West Coast, after spending about two hours in Queenstown, which was definitely not my kind of place. More soon on Doubtful Sound and recent goings-on.

I’m currently esconsed in Wanaka, a very pleasant and relaxed little town towards the West Coast, after spending about two hours in Queenstown, which was definitely not my kind of place. More soon on Doubtful Sound and recent goings-on.
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Whilst you’re kicking your heels in Wanaka, please can you check out the cinema for me? My brother told me about it when I returned from my travels – typical! Full of funky seats and atmosphere! Cheers
I certainly did, and it was an excellent place – Cinema Paradiso after the cinema of the same name in the film by Giuseppe Tornatore.
The auditorium is filled with seating of all kinds, from armchairs to settees, all of which were really comfy, and even a Morris Minor you could enjoy a film from the back seats of. People in the Wanaka area apparently love the idea of bequeathing their furniture to this place, so it’s a real mixture.
The seats in the cafe area, and all of the toilets, are papered with old movie posters. The cafe serves really good food, coffee and beer, no heat-lamp nachos in sight, and you can eat before, during or after the film. I was watching the highly amusing Wedding Crashers with a plate of roast vegetable quesedilla in my lap.
Loved this place!!!