Time’s nearly up
We’re going home in less than a week. What did we miss?
We’re going home in less than a week. What did we miss?
I recently travelled out to Nyamebekyere, one of the most remote villages in the cluster, for a series of community focus groups with my colleague Eric. Unusually, we had a driver who was new to the cluster and he was driving an automatic, but we thought nothing of it at the time. Hot and tired, …
I took this photo this morning (it’s actually a composite of ten photos). This is a village meeting with some of the residents of a cocoa growing community near Nsuta. Click to embiggen. I’ve already blogged about a village meeting – timekeeping issues and the like. The image above acts as a kind of roll call. But …
Erosion is a huge problem in villages. Farmers who now have access to affordable herbicides spray it on the ground in the villages instead of trimming long grass back to deter snakes. With no vegetation in villages or around houses, the soil melts away in the rainy season and blows away in the dry season. …