Backpacker tales

Standard conversation between backpackers meeting for the first time: “So where have you come from?”“Peru.”“Oh wow, did you enjoy it? I´m going there next.”“Yeah, it was OK, but I much preferred Bolivia.”“How so?”“Oh, more chilled out, the people are lovely, and it´s so cheap. What about you, how long have you been travelling?”“Me? Oh, ten …

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Food, glorious food

I haven´t really given Chile the time I´m sure it deserves. After one night in Santiago I headed into Argentina with Sanita and Camilla who I met on Easter Island, to Mendoza, a hedonistic, relaxed little town (well, I say little, a million people live there but it just feels little) just over the border …

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Rapa Nui

I included Easter Island on my trip because I was so curious about it, and it turned out to be easy to do on the way to Chile, whereas for most people it´s an expensive flight or two to one of the most remote populated places on Earth. I knew about as much as most …

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Some places live up to expectations, some exceed them, and some just plain suck. Sorry for the poor English but you get my drift. I`ve found so far that the places that the guidebooks tell you to go to, the places that are `famous´, the places that come heavy with the weight of expectation, rarely …

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Island hopping and going doolally

The first problem I have to tell you about is that I am using a French keyboard, which for some reason quite beyond me has all of the keys in the wrong places; they apparently don’t think that QWERTY is a sensible layout. As a result I am typing at the speed of someone who …

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Heading east

I really have been sloppy with my blogging of late, for which I am very sorry. Nevertheless, as my blog’s statistics suggest, people have still been coming to the site through search engines, and invariably being disappointed with what they’ve found, if what they’ve been searching for is anything to go by… Search engine queries …

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