
I’m in Cantho, the transport and industrial hub of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. I got here after a slow boat journey from Phnom Penh down the Mekong River, which was a great chance to see people fishing, boating and doing everything else they do by or on the river. The Mekong is huuuge, and branches …

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Furrier liver

After just over three great weeks, it’s time to leave Siem Reap, tomorrow morning. I’m leaving with a fantastic teaching experience behind me, lots of new e-mail addresses in the back of my notebook, and a furrier liver than when I got here. The Sangkheum Center, Earthwalkers, Siem Reap, the people and the temples have …

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Many many pics

Toothy Originally uploaded by Big Trippy Nathan. I’ve now finished teaching English at the Sangkheum Center (at least for the moment), and have finally had the time to upload lots and lots of recent pictures from Cambodia, including the two weeks at the center, Chong Kneas floating village, and more of Cambodia. Iris joins me …

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Barang! Barang!

An apology is due for appalling performance in the blog-updating stakes of late. To sum up, I’ve been busy all day teaching English to four classes of children, giving endless piggybacks to hysterical toddlers, gone to a floating village on a river, sat in a waterfall, drunk whiskey and coke out of a bucket, nearly …

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Monk, the Bayon Originally uploaded by Big Trippy Nathan. I’m in Cambodia at Siem Reap, the town nearest the temples of Angkor. Siem Reap is still a fairly simple place, but the road from the airport is lined with ever bigger and more expensive hotels, western bars and food are plentiful, and there is a …

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Eating dragonfruit in a hammock

It’s not all bad here, you know. After going on about the lack of sociable people here, and there certainly is a lack, bunch of stony-faced overtanned boring so-and-so’s, I’m finding it curiously difficult to up sticks and move on to Cambodia. This despite the non-party atmosphere and the constant state of damp sand-encrustedness I …

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