I’m in Suffolk. Have moved three tonnes of crap. Very much in need of 1) More shelving, 2) A car boot sale, 3) The ability to get rid of things I don’t need.
I’m in Suffolk. Have moved three tonnes of crap. Very much in need of 1) More shelving, 2) A car boot sale, 3) The ability to get rid of things I don’t need.
My time in London is now coming to a close, and travelling seems just that bit closer, with a sudden panic over changes of address, packing, visas, plans for next year… things feel like they’re coming to a head a bit, and suddenly my settled existence in Arundel Close is nearly over and it’s brought …
This article on Empire Online reveals that Tom Hanks has been cast in the part of Robert Langdon in Ron Howard’s upcoming film version of the Da Vinci Code – not a big surprise. Even though Robert Langdon is described as ‘Harrison Ford in Harris Tweed’ in the book, Ford’s knocking on a bit. Even …
Well, I just timed it – it would seem it takes precisely a week of doing nothing much before I start climbling the walls with boredom. Good job I have to move out next week, or I’d run the risk of serious muscle and brain atrophy.
Strange… I didn’t have to go in to work this morning. I am, however, for the benefit of anyone who thinks I’m now doing nothing more than watching daytime TV and eating cookies, getting lots done. I’ve got visas, vaccinations, Wizwow work, letters, cleaning, packing, and washing up to sort! Busy busy! I’ve already discovered …
I had my leaving do from the tube last night, a joint thing with Kim – great fun, and really chuffed to see so many people I liked come along for it. I got some ace presents, including a sterile emergency medical kit so I can re-attach my own leg if it gets bitten off …